What’s your favourite good luck symbol? A bird pooping on your head? Yeah trust us, some people love that; or do you prefer a three-leaved clover or a good luck mug.
Many people believe in all sorts of things to bring good luck. Some say it’s in the eyes of a cat, others say it’s a potted bamboo plant; a ladder not leaning against the wall, rainbows, ladybugs, dragonflies, alligator teeth, horseshoes, dream catchers, red lanterns, coins, a pot of gold, the list is endless.
But none comes close to beating our own special good luck symbol, our hilarious coffee mugs. We are sorry we have no enthralling superstitious stories that follow these mugs, we have just specially crafted them for anyone who is in search of good luck gift ideas.
You can give these promotional coffee mugs to the son or daughter on their first day on their new job, or just going off the college. You can give it to your colleague who just got a new job, or got laid off.
Whoever you give this gift to, be prepared to get a smile or laughter in return because the mugs feature a picture of the recipient’s face and that does crack everybody up.